SE Wisconsin Puppy Raisers

Monday, May 21, 2012

Elroy's First Puppy Outing (April 2012)

Just got finished saying hello to my friends. Scarf is on, its time to work!
My very first puppy outing was at the Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee. Before we went inside I said hello to my friends who are also future leader dogs! When we were done saying hi, mom and dad put my scarf on and it was time to work! The first dome we went into was the tropical jungle. It was really hot in steamy in here and there were a lot of pieces of flowers and plants on the floor. Mom and dad were working hard with me on "leave it" because the stuff on the floor looked so yummy that I wanted to eat it!
It was so steamy in the rainforest that it was hard to get a clear picture, but here we are on a bridge! 
Next we toured the desert oasis. It was still warm in here but also a lot more dry! I still wasn't too big on walking at this point, so mom and dad concentrated on getting me to keep up with them instead of lying down every 2 seconds! The final dome we visited was the floral gardens. The flowers were very pretty, but I really wanted to eat them! Again, mom and dad worked hard on "leave it" and rewarded me with treats and praise when I did good!
Me and my friends with their raisers!

There was a lady in the floral gardens that was watering the plants. All of us puppies were warm, so she gave us a drink from the hose! My friend Brody was silly and laid down in the water and was a soggy mess the rest of the day, but nobody was mad at him because he was so cute all soggy! 
The nice lady at the Domes giving us pups a drink!
The biggest challenge of all at the domes was walking through a path of wood chips. I LOVE trying to eat wood chips, but mom and dad of course wont let me! I know my name very well, so when I started going for a wood chip, mom and dad would say my name and praise me for being a good boy!

Before we left for the day, our puppy group worked on a bit of obedience. I was doing very well. Mom and dad were proud! I was walking PERFECTLY on my leash! 

Working on obedience
Well that's all for now friends! Hope you enjoyed my post!

-FLD Elroy

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