SE Wisconsin Puppy Raisers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

When I'm not working ..

I really enjoy sunbathing and naps!  Pretty much anywhere will do! Even on top of daddy's important taxes paperwork!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hi I'm Pongo!

Hi everyone! My name is Pongo and my mom and dad are raising me for Leader Dog's for the Blind. I only have a month and a half left with my parents to learn how to be a good puppy, but I'm getting excited to go to college at Leader Dog University!  My mommy tells me that the people there are very nice and will keep me really busy. I'm also really excited because my friend Olivia is going to school with me! I haven't seen her since last August!!!  The coolest thing of all though, is that if I'm a really good boy and do good at my college studies that I will get to help someone who can't see very well. I love making new friends and I know my mommy and daddy would be SO proud of me if I pass Leader Dog school! I hope I get matched with someone who likes to blow dry their hair. The second my mommy turns the blow dryer on I am at her side with a wagging tail!  What can I say? I love the warm air!
Today was a long work day for me. Mom and I went for a haircut and moms blonde hair got all over me but it was even matched me! Then we visited great grandma for a while and went to 2 stores including the bike shop. I was a good boy the whole time but I was really fascinated with the bike tires! They smelled funny!! When dad got home from work we went to the gym. Mom worked out on the stair stepper, dad ran and I chewed on my dinosaur nylabone like a good boy! I think the gym is really weird. Dad is running and not getting anywhere and mom is climbing and not going anywhere!  What's the point? Oh well. Guess its just a human thing!
Well I'm all tuckered out! Time for some rest! Goodnight friends! Woof!
Signed with a paw print,